Meeting on PSPO proposals by Gosport Council

Hi. We are writing to let you know that we will be attending a meeting to be held at Canine Communications, 23 Cooperate Green, Weevil Lane, Gosport on the 8th of February at 18:30hrs to discuss attendees at the community board meeting and plan a peaceful protest at the town hall.
We would appreciate attendance by anyone who feels as strongly as we do that some of the proposals need challenging.
The original porposals are no longer on the council web site. As a reminder, the proposals were
If walking 3 dogs, two needed to be on lead
Maximim of 4 dogs can be walked at a time
A council officer could demand a Dog be put on lead
Anyone walking a dog had to be in possession of poo bags, failure could result with an on the spot fine (PCN) of up to £100
No dogs on any park where sports are carried out
This is in response to communication received from Gosport Council on the Consultation process meeting being postponed until the 8th of March - a copy of that email is below
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please note the consultation period has now closed
It was intended that the Dog PSPO and the results of the consultation exercise would be considered by the Community Board at its meeting at 6pm on 25th January 2017.
Please note this item has been postponed until 6pm on 8th March 2017. It will not be considered at the meeting on 25th January 2017, as originally intended.
The Council has to date received a significant amount of responses to the consultation. The postponement will enable the Council time to carefully consider the responses and review the proposed restrictions and prohibitions of the PSPO.
Any request to speak at the meeting as a deputation on 8th March must be made not later than 12 noon two working days before the meeting, in writing addressed to the Borough Solicitor and Deputy Chief Executive at the Town Hall, High Street, Gosport PO12 1EB or alternatively by e-mail to
Yours faithfully
Streetscene | Housing Services Unit | Town Hall | High Street | Gosport | Hampshire | PO12 1EB Tel: 08000 198598 | HSPN: 6405395 | Britdoc: DX136567 Gosport 2